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Light Blink - Book One Copertina flessibile – 5 gennaio 2019
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If you are sitting in your office late at night, and the lights blink, what would you do if you discovered that everyone had disappeared? Even the girl that suddenly appeared in the library on your way home.
Glen just wanted to get home, in any way possible. Even if the cars - any car - didn't work. And the sky looked strange and it never got dark. And there was no noise from any living creature - even bugs - except a very low-pitched humming sound.
On the trip home, he sees several ravens - not a sign of good luck. A group of ravens is called a 'murder'.
Then he discovers he is in an alternate and parallel world, with the prospect of even that world disappearing. The only help he can get seems to come from the dog that he found on the way home.
Who tells him that only he can fix things back to normal.
Book One of a three-book series.
- Lunghezza stampa316 pagine
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione5 gennaio 2019
- Dimensioni15.24 x 2.01 x 22.86 cm
- ISBN-101793202060
- ISBN-13978-1793202062
Dettagli prodotto
- Editore : Independently published (5 gennaio 2019)
- Lingua : Inglese
- Copertina flessibile : 316 pagine
- ISBN-10 : 1793202060
- ISBN-13 : 978-1793202062
- Peso articolo : 390 g
- Dimensioni : 15.24 x 2.01 x 22.86 cm
- Recensioni dei clienti:
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- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella1 stella76%24%0%0%0%0%
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DebbaRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 14 marzo 2019
5,0 su 5 stelle Animals
I enjoyed the fun story. Easy to understand and follow. Enjoyed the animals.
Michael Lynn McGuireRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 8 febbraio 2019
4,0 su 5 stelle Book number one of proposed two book fantasy series
Book number one of proposed two book fantasy series. I read the well printed and bound POD (print on demand) trade paperback. I will read the second book when it is released.
Rick presents a well written and tight fantasy about a man's existence changing from billions of inhabitants to one inhabitant, him. And then a couple of other characters show up but nothing of significance. The sun does not rise nor does it set. Cars do not work anymore but water still flows from the pipes. Distances are weird and not consistent with before the event. The book ends on a cliff hanger that is a little weak but gets the job done.
Please note that Rick asked for people to read and review his book in a group that we are members of. It is his first book that I know of. I paid for my copy of his book and was not paid for my review. Rick says that his second book is about a quarter complete.
There is a website for the series: lightblink.com